Day 15



Can You Say Half-Way?
That's right, you've got it! We are HALF WAY THERE! I have to say, this little fact has me extremely excited for so many reasons! First and most importantly, I can't believe we have made it this far! When we first started I was hesitant to tell anyone about it because I didn't want to take the chance that I would fall on my face and have to start over a dozen times. But yet, here we are! It's an amazing feeling, every once in a while, to find that you have underestimated yourself. 

"No Thank You"
Those three little words - so simple to say, so hard to stick to! We were invited to a potluck over the weekend with friends who are typically health-conscious food eaters. We knew there would be a few treats to avoid, but I had no idea that EVERYONE would go absolutely overboard in showcasing their culinary abilities! Baked Macaroni and Cheese, Homemade Fried Chicken, Cream Puffs and Homemade Baked Beans brought us to a hard reality check as we were offered on scrumptious plate after another... I don't know how we made it out of there alive, but by God's grace - and some stiff-necked refusals, we did!

Smooth Sailing?
Wow - I hate to sound boring, but I can't think of anything interesting to write about these past few days!! It has been surprisingly easy, adjusting to this new Whole30 world, and I finally feel like we're starting to get the hang of it! Don't get me wrong - there are still plenty of temptations to avoid and learning curves to make, but I'm starting to feel like this is becoming a lifestyle not just a diet.

Kill Me Quickly
Fall is by far one of my very favorite seasons. I am absolutely infatuated by all the spices, the bright colors, the delicious smell in the air.... especially when the 'air' you're breathing is coming from a bakery. Pumpkin scones, apple pie, and cannolis. CANNOLIS! Oh my soul, it cannot be.... but alas, it is all too true. Today I was forced by the cruelty of fate, to site across the table from a steamy Pumpkin Spiced Latte and an over-stuffed, creaming cannoli. Shoot me now.